Create Webpages And Not Just The Websites
In today’s world, every company has got the website. If are starting a new business, you might be thinking of building your company website. Before creating your website, think about the reasons why you want created a website and what you can achieve with your website. Is it just to have one because your friend has it? Understand the facts which can help you improve your web presence.
Website comprises of a domain name and taking some hosting space on a web server to host your website pages. A website can be a 5 page website or it can be a complete e-commerce web portal with shopping cart and payment gateway to handle the payment collection. Normally, a small website or company’s first website has About Us, Contact Us and Home pages. And if the company is dealing into some products, there would be a Products page.
Whatever the type of website you create, remember that you need to focus more on building webpages. Webpage is a independent page within a website. Create as many webpages as you can. You can create a webpage to list down all the products / services you offer. Further you should create one webpage each to explain about each of the product / service. But what next? You have limited products or services to offer. So how would you create more webpages? The answer is simple. You can create webpage about the same products and services and write about their trends, market research, talk about their new advancements, educative description about the products & services. Keep on increasing the webpages.
Remember, crawlers & spiders indexes all your webpages on your website and not only the home page. More the no. of webpages you have, more web presence you have and hence more chances you have for web users to find you.