Archives: October 2011

Google Buzz is DEAD

Who says all business ideas work? Even a thorough research and great understanding can also result in shutdown of a business idea. As Google’s Official Blog said “We aspire to build great products that really change people’s lives, products they use two or three times a day. To succeed you need real focus and thought—thought about what [...]

Sales & Marketing Plan: Who Are Your Customers?

I often ask startups professionals or early-stage business professions, a very basic questions, “Who are your customer?”. The quick answer to this question has mostly been surprising. The answer starts with “aaa…. a…. you know….” and its surprising to find that people have thought of building a business / enterpreneurship but either don’t know who [...]

How to get more customers from PPC

Ever want “have more customers – without spending”? I guess thats the thing everyone wants. Everyone is looking and searching on Google to find out ways to get more and more no. of visitors, prospects, leads and importantly turning them into customers – without spending. Did you found any mechanism to get more customers without [...]