Deciding on SEO?

Deciding to hire a SEO company is a big decision that can potentially improve your site and save time, but you can also risk damage to your site and reputation. SEO companies and consultants provide useful services for website promotion which includes:

  • Review of your site content or structure
  • Technical advice on website development: for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, use of JavaScript
  • Content development
  • Keyword research
  • SEO submissions of website
  • Country specific optimization
  • Social bookmarking
  • Press Release distribution

SEO Services

Before starting SEO services:

Search engine’s result is a means to refer visitors to website and it’s the website content and relevance whch appeals to a reader to continue reading & contact the website owner or exit from the website. So, keep the following important points in mind about your website before you start optimizing website:

  • Content: Text on the page, titles and descriptions that are given on web pages should be relevant
  • Performance: How fast is your site and does it work properly? Slow website are rated low with search engines and prospects can’t wait too.
  • User Experience: Look and feel of the website and user navigation should be easy.


What should be AVOIDED:

Search engine’s crawlers won’t spent lot of time reading web pages and can’t store all the content. So, the web page should direct crawlers what is needed and appropriate. Although while doing this, do not use tricks like:

  • Keyword Stuffing: Overuse of keywords on your pages.
  • Purchased Links: Buying links.
  • Hiding / Fonting: Reducing text font size or hiding from being visible.
  • Poor Content Availability: Too many ads, menus and lesser content.


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