What are “NoFollow” Links?
Google has a concept of “nofollow” links. The “nofollow” code is inserted into your link and instructs the Google spider not to read that link. Although the “nofollow” links are visible on the webpage but they will be ignored by Google spider. Many website owners uses this trick while placing your website link in their own website. Since they are ignored by Google spider, such links have no value for you.
“nofollow” links are very commonly used with blog comments, networking website comments, forum postings. The wesite owner has a reason to use “nofollow” links for these website. Since these websites offer automated approval for comments, there would not be any authentication fo good & quality links.
If there is “nofollow” for the links, should we keep such links?
SEO professionals always tries to create no “nofollow” links. Reason being, they will be picked up by Google spiders. If its a “nofollow” link, Google not give any credits. But, what if the website / webpage on which your link is placed, is getting high traffic? You should definitely consider placing your link on high traffic website even if its “nofollow”. The benefit you get here is by visual clicks and not by Google Spider.
Link Building is a very time consuming process and link building companies spend a lot of time researching, testing and improving their techniques. Manual link building services are always ranked high since the link builder professionals always checks the quality of the website & links. So, keep link building and help moving your website up in the search engines result pages.