Challenge for a Real-estate Company

Every real estate company constructs properties whether commercial / residential and performs all kind of marketing investments to sell those property units. Channel partners, brokers, individuals and media is working for the publicity of their projects to get more & more no. of enquiries. With prospects across the world, enquiring for these projects and infact multiple projects, it’s always a challenge to follow-up and servicing these prospects for maximum possible sale with min expense. Further, nurturing marketing also takes more cost to up-sell other projects.

There is a need of an online centralized system to keep track of prospects from various locations and your team members working on it from distributed locations. The system should be user friendly and should full-fill the basic requirement of your process executions – in the way you work. Important of this system can truely be understood if Sales team executives, managers and heads are very much aware for the no. of prospects lying at what stage and who is assigned to work on them etc.

Click here to find out more on how we are helping a renowned organization in real-estate industry to enhance their productivity and efficiency.


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