Need of Social Media profile / page
Digital agency Beyond released their research study based on the responses of 2,000 social media users in the U.S. and UK, between ages 16 and 40, who are active on either Twitter, Facebook or Google+. Among those users, 98% were active on Facebook, 60% of whom log in several times daily.
- 845 million monthly active users on facebook, more than half of them login every single day
- 100 million monthly active twitter users
- 90 million Google+ users
- Facebook made up to 52.1% of all a sharing online in 2011.
- Twitter & tumblr grew their volume of share by 576.9% and 1299.5% respectively.
So if these are the numbers to be believed, you can image the trend of online sharing of information on web going forward. Content sharing on social media website is really catching up now as number of users are increasing on these social media websites. And, every business wants to reach this community of users which is increasing very rapidly.
To start with, you can create your Twitter account, Facebook profile (and importantly your Facebook page), start your live blog page, LinkedIn account etc. If you have already created them in past, its good, keep them alive. A common mistake what people / businesses do is that they do not keep their profiles updated and leave them idle. Visitors take these profiles as ‘dead’ or ‘non-progressive’ accounts and do not share or rely on them. So remember a thumb rule of social media – keep your profiles active!
At Kenovate Solutions, we can help you build you profile on these social media sites and also help create your Facebook pages with custom content. If you need any help, please feel free to contact us.