Sales & Marketing Plan: Who Are Your Customers?

I often ask startups professionals or early-stage business professions, a very basic questions, “Who are your customer?”. The quick answer to this question has mostly been surprising. The answer starts with “aaa…. a…. you know….” and its surprising to find that people have thought of building a business / enterpreneurship but either don’t know who [...]

How to get more customers from PPC

Ever want “have more customers – without spending”? I guess thats the thing everyone wants. Everyone is looking and searching on Google to find out ways to get more and more no. of visitors, prospects, leads and importantly turning them into customers – without spending. Did you found any mechanism to get more customers without [...]

Traditional Marketing / Outbound Marketing

In old days, businesses have chosen the approach to send out their messages to the audience. Businesses have used all the means like print media, TV advertisements, radio etc to reach audience. Their sales & revenue was totally been dependent upon these marketing tools and also most expensive mode of marketing and reaching out to [...]

Strategic Link Building Process For Effective Results

Running a website can be a lot of fun, right up until you have it live and start to realize you are not getting any traffic. Our link building service is a key ingredient to help speed up that process of getting more traffic to your website. Link Building is the process by which you [...]

Google Instant Previews

Google always keep something different and unique. Sometime back, Google started Instant Search. Now Google has introduced something called Instant Previews. Searchers and web users can now view a instant “preview” of a site’s content by placing the cursor over the small magnifying glass displayed beside each listing. These previews are large and Google sometimes [...]